Thursday, April 25, 2013

Its Just One of Those Days...

Remember that Monica song?  Very apropos for today.

Yesterday, I went on my first run in about two weeks and two miles in my knee started to hurt.  It didn't hurt immediately after the run but it hurt walking around after I iced it.  So, I have to take at least today off, probably the weekend/week when I have a half marathon in three weeks.  Fan. Tastic. Walking around gorgeous DC and watching other people run is like Kosher salt in an open wound; big flakes and jagged edges making the sting even worse.

To catch you up: 

1. The job situation.  Still stuck on Lake Pontchartrain with no end in sight! Still pressing buttons and tamping espresso part time. Fun fact: I earn a dollar an hour for every year of university I completed post high school. I have been thinking about getting a PhD, which would bump my earnings up to at least $13-$15 an hour at this rate. Also, people would have to call me doctor, always a plus. A doctor made that little heart in your macchiato!

2. Personal life.  What personal life?  Going out costs money and I have absolutely no interest in dating while the rest of my life is in shambles. I fully expect to end my days, alone, with my potbelly pig (if the city is zoned for livestock) or mutt (if it is not).  I would really like some reptiles but I saw an Animal Planet show once where a guy's lizards ATE him after he died at home. I should like to escape that fate, if at all possible. Bottom line: I would rather be in perfect half marathon shape than engaged to Joseph Gordon Levitt.  This brings us to...

3. Running. Ah, the physical release.  The thing that keeps me sane.  I had to take off a week because, though I am not a toddler, I somehow caught strep.  I hadn't had strep in a few decades so thought it was just a sore throat.  Oh its not.  I had a fever, shakes, dizziness, nausea, body aches, heart palpitations and a throat so sore I had to brace myself every time I swallowed.  Then, I go out for my first post strep run and fuck up my knee somehow.

Seriously, the universe can have 2/3.  I can handle being underemployed, single and increasingly anti-social if I can at least put one foot in front of the other as a means of therapy. The Universe is not allowed to have all three.  It just seems against the rules of fair play.

What's next? Is my library card going to get revoked? That card is to me what a handgun was to Charlton Heston...they'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands.


Seacrest Out!

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