Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I have a technological announcement to make...

When I was at home in lovely central CT, we went to the AT&T store to renew our contracts and pick up new phones.  Of course, my mom also ended up amusing the salesperson to death with our curmudgeon routine.

“We don’t want smart phones, we want cheap flip phones. Where are the free phones? What no free phones?! Only 99 cent phones?!  The flip phones all cost extra money and the plans only have a $5 difference?!  Why are you basically making everyone choose smart phones, is it to force people to pay for expensive data plans?  I want my prune juice now! I hate tapioca pudding!  Why don’t these damn kids GET OFF OF MY LAWN?!”

The nice salesman took it all in stride (even telling us TMobile would be cheaper) but he bust out laughing when “Dani California” (by Red Hot Chili Peppers, natch) came on and my mom asked “Is this rap?”  Poor guy just burst out laughing while I attempted to explain the difference between RHCP and Jay Z (I did take care to mention that they have shared a producer in the legendary RickRubin). Besides that, the young man (he was in his 20s, I am allowed to refer to him as a young man, no?) was extremely patient as we bitched, moaned and ultimately chose phones.

It doesn’t help I was anxious about losing my precious Nokia flip phone.  This phone and I have been through a lot in two years namely lots of snickering and stares of disbelief from friends/family who sip on haterade, run of the mill haters and those who hold the much reviled PhD (playa haters degree). 

Their powerful hating made no difference in my feelings.  I loved my little red Nokia.  I could call and text on it and access the internet in a pinch. I dropped it at least a dozen times. Each time it broke into three or four neat pieces that I put back together with no change in the way the phone worked.  In the end, my baby was nicked, scraped and held together with cheap super glue and packing tape: 

So, I knew it was time to get a new phone.   Nonetheless, I was hoping that I could, at least, continue with Nokia and get a Lumia.  However, the Lumia was substantially more than 99 cents so I wound up with…. an iPhone. Sigh. It is only an iPhone 4 so I take comfort in the fact I do not have the current model.

I am mainly concerned with having my eyes gorilla glued to the damn thing the way many peoples’ eyes seem to be.  So, I am taking precautions.  So far, I have downloaded two additional apps: Find my Phone and Google Maps. I don’t have any music on it.  I refuse to download any games. I have used Facetime, which is lovely for friends living abroad with whom I’d normally Skype.

It still doesn’t feel right though, its like an arranged marriage. Texting is still really awkward because of my fingernails. I did choose to protect my investment – I now have a cover  a la Marshalls (which features a blue Union Jack…it was $8 and I’m not picky) and a screen protector (included with the cover).

I may grow to love this electronic temptress; I may, like everyone insists, become one of those people obsessed with checking my email and playing games and downloading apps left and right… but I still dearly miss my homely little Nokia.

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